Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Directing the resource of storm water to a perfect use.

Recently I discovered a rain garden swale at the Credit Union of Ohio Hilliard location.

Somewhere in all that, a drain outlet comes from the street curb storm water drain to direct storm water to the swale area and recharge the watershed.
This area is near a traffic circle or roundabout where it seems that in all directions the storm water funnels to swale areas that are full of wildflowers. There's an initiative in Franklin County to put in rain gardens of all kinds. It's needed as we have enough developments aka asphalted parking lots and roads, that shed the water to storm drains and when there's a lot of rain, the volume and velocity of storm water overtaxes the system. The rain gardens act as a filtration system to remove pollutants from street storm water runoff.
Another rain garden is located at the Ohio Department of Wildlife offices on Route 33.

The garden is a combination butterfly, hummingbird and rain garden.

Rainwater collected from the roof is directed from the downspout to the dry stream bed to flow towards the garden.
Signage information directs your knowledge about plants that serve as hosts, nectar or seeds sources by certain species.

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